Trevor Tarpinian, CEPA®
Licensed Insurance Counselor
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Pros Suggest Disability Income to Start 2016
As your most dedicated purveyors of disability income insurance, you get the message from us a lot: disability income insurance is a significant tool that should be implemented in your financial plan.
We thought you'd value hearing it from other financial professionals and that it is a consistently prominent topic in financial resolutions for the New Year :
Gabriella Dunn writes in The Wichita Eagle on Dec 31, 2015:
"People don’t think they need to spend money on life insurance and disability insurance because they don’t think they’ll need it. But that’s the point: it protects you and your loved ones from expenses and events you don’t expect."
See more from her article "Resolve to shape up your fitness and finances in 2016."
Kevin Mercadante over at on Jan 1, 2016 suggests reviewing your insurance coverage as part of your check-up for the New Year. He writes: "Make sure you have all necessary coverages. This can include insurance on your business, and especially disability insurance. Both types of coverage relate to your ability to earn a living and are often overlooked in favor of saving money. But, if you have the extra cash flow available, at least some of it should be earmarked for income protection insurance." Find 7 other helpful tips from his article "2015 Annual Financial Checkup."
Amy Wirtz weighs in on her blog at, discussing the importance of disability income insurance for business owners. She uses the illustration of a business owner being critically injured: "You wake up in the hospital ten days later. You cannot form a sentence and cannot move your right leg or arm. Now what? How has your business managed without you during the last ten days? How will your business survive this event? Do key employees know your job enough to get by? Will customers feel safe? Do you have disability insurance for yourself or your business overhead? What do your loan documents say, if anything, about your disability?" See the rest of her blog entry on the "5 Ds of Business Continuation."
Teresa Mears at US News and World Report suggests conducting a financial check-up at the end of the year: "Do you have life insurance, disability insurance, health insurance and a college fund for your kids? Are you paying off your student loans? Is your portfolio allocated the way it should be for today's market? Are you making enough money to cover your living expenses? All of those are questions you should ask as part of your year-end financial inventory." Check out the rest of her article "9 Things to Do in the New Year to Brighten Your Financial Outlook."
Maryalene Laponsie also contributes days later in US News and World Report, reminding readers that "disability insurance can be crucial to pay the bills in the event of a serious illness or accident." See her "5 Ways Your Boss is Helping You Retire Better."
Kathleen Elkins with Business Insider challenges readers on Jan 2, 2016 to stop putting off insurance: "Lose the invincibility complex and plan for the worst, as an unanticipated emergency could turn your life upside down instantaneously. Do you have renters' insurance? Disability insurance? Homeowners' insurance?" Peruse her "13 Bad Money Habits You Should Break in 2016 to Build more Wealth."
Louise Bonquin at Latin Post puts disability income insurance in her Top 5 pieces of insurance to get in 2016 and asks: "There are instances in life when someone lose their ability to earn after becoming disabled. This is something that no one can avoid so what will you do if you cannot cover your living expenses anymore?" Catch up on all "Top 5 Insurance Types that you must have in 2016."
We applaud other professionals for incorporating disability income insurance into their advice and planning. You can't do anything without your income, and there are financial tools created to protect it. Not sure where to start? Been years since you've reviewed your current coverage? Ask us. We can help. .

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